Sabado, Hunyo 21, 2014

Systems of Linear Equations

Systems of linear equations in n variables: 

Linear equations in two variables: 
General Form: ax+by=0
Example: x+2y = 0 

Linear equations in 3 Variables: 
General Form: ax+by+cz=0
Example: 2x+6y+z=0

A linear equation in n variables x1,x2,X3, ... ,Xn has the form 
a1x1+a2x2+a3x3+. . . +anxn=b . 
The coefficients a1,a2,a3, ... , an are real numbers, and the constant term b is a real number. The number a1 is the coefficient's leading, and x1 is the variable's leading. 

* Linear equations have no products or roots of variables involved in trigonometric, exponential, or logarithmic functions. Variables appear only to the first power. 

Examples of linear equations: 
1) 3x +2 y-z = 0 
2) x +2 y = 4 
3) 7x-3y +2 z = 4 

*In general, there are only 2 types of Systems in Linear Equations. Consistent and Inconsistent Systems. 

Lunes, Hunyo 16, 2014

What is Linear Algebra?

This is the branch of Algebra in which one studies vector (linear) spaces, linear operators (linear mappings), and linear, bilinear, and quadratic functions (functionals and forms) on vector spaces.

(Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Kluwer  Academic Press, 1990)

The study of Linear Algebra demands familiarity with Algebra, Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry.

Linggo, Hunyo 15, 2014

Why I made a Blog? Simply because this is our Project. :)

Hi. Hello. :)
I'm Aeina/ Eynaaa. I'm a Friendly Person. I love Color Blue and Purple. I have a dog named Dora. I love her. I love autistic friends! Follow Me, Be Crazy and Let's Be Friends. <3
Here, we will talk about Linear Algebra. I'm not good at Mathematics, but I will try my best to get a high grade at all.